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Fate Flow Client SDK Guide



``` sourceCode python from flow_sdk.client import FlowClient

use real ip address to initialize SDK

client = FlowClient('', 9000, 'v1')

## Job Operations

### Usage

``` sourceCode python
client.job.submit(conf_path, dsl_path)


submit(conf_path, dsl_path)

  • Description:Submit a pipeline job.
  • Arguments
No. Argument Type Required Description
1 conf_path string Yes Runtime configuration file path
2 dsl_path string Yes DSL file path


  • Description:Cancel or stop a specified job.
  • Arguments
No. Argument Type Required Description
1 job_id integer Yes A valid job id

query(job_id=None, role=None, party_id=None, status=None)

  • Description:Query job information by filters.
  • Arguments
No. Argument Type Required Description
1 job_id integer No A valid job id
2 role string No Role
3 party_id integer No Party id
4 status string No Job Status

config(job_id, role, party_id, output_path)

  • Description:Download the configuration of a specified job.
  • Arguments
No Argument Type Required Description
1 job_id integer Yes A valid job id
2 role string Yes Role
3 party_id integer Yes Party id
4 output_path string Yes Specified Output Path

log(job_id, output_path)

  • Description:Download log files of a specified job.
  • Arguments
No. Argument Type Required Description
1 job_id integer Yes A valid job id
2 output_path string Yes Specified Output Path


  • Description:List jobs.
  • Arguments
No. Argument Type Required Description
1 limit integer No Limit the number of results, default is 10

view(job_id=None, role=None, party_id=None, status=None)

  • Description:List jobs.
  • Arguments
No. Argument Type Required Description
1 job_id integer No A valid job id
2 role string No Role
3 party_id integer No Party id
4 component_name string No Component Name

generate_dsl(train_dsl_path, cpn_file_path=None, cpn_list = None)

  • Description:A predict dsl generator.
  • Arguments
No. Argument Type Required Description
1 train_dsl_path string(path) Yes User specifies the train dsl file path.
2 version string No Specified version of dsl parser. Default 1.
3 cpn_file_path string(path) No User specifies a file path which records the component list.
4 cpn_list list No User inputs a list of component names.

Component Operations


``` sourceCode python client.component.parameters(job_id, role, party_id, component_name)

### Functions

#### `parameters(job_id, role, party_id, component_name)`

  - *Description*:Query the parameters of a specified component.
  - *Arguments*:

| No.  | Argument       | Type    | Required | Description    |
| ---- | -------------- | ------- | -------- | -------------- |
| 1    | job_id         | integer | Yes      | A valid job id |
| 2    | role           | string  | Yes      | Role           |
| 3    | party_id       | integer | Yes      | Party id       |
| 4    | component_name | string  | Yes      | Component Name |

#### `metric_all(job_id, role, party_id, component_name)`

  - *Description*:Query all metric data.
  - *Arguments*:

| No.  | Argument       | Type    | Required | Description    |
| ---- | -------------- | ------- | -------- | -------------- |
| 1    | job_id         | integer | Yes      | A valid job id |
| 2    | role           | string  | Yes      | Role           |
| 3    | party_id       | integer | Yes      | Party id       |
| 4    | component_name | string  | Yes      | Component Name |

#### `metrics(job_id, role, party_id, component_name)`

  - *Description*:Query all metric data.
  - *Arguments*:

| No.  | Argument       | Type    | Required | Description    |
| ---- | -------------- | ------- | -------- | -------------- |
| 1    | job_id         | integer | Yes      | A valid job id |
| 2    | role           | string  | Yes      | Role           |
| 3    | party_id       | integer | Yes      | Party id       |
| 4    | component_name | string  | Yes      | Component Name |

#### `metric_delete(date=None, job_id=None)`

  - *Description*:Delete specified
  - *Arguments*:

| No.  | Argument | Type    | Required | Description                                   |
| ---- | -------- | ------- | -------- | --------------------------------------------- |
| 1    | date     | integer | Yes      | An 8-Digit Valid Date, Format Like 'YYYYMMDD' |
| 2    | job_id   | integer | Yes      | A valid job id                                |

`Notice`: If you input two optional arguments in the mean time, the
'date' argument will be detected in priority while the 'job_id'
argument would be ignored.

#### `output_model(job_id, role, party_id, component_name)`

  - *Description*:Query a specified component model.
  - *Arguments*:

| No.  | Argument       | Type    | Required | Description    |
| ---- | -------------- | ------- | -------- | -------------- |
| 1    | job_id         | integer | Yes      | A valid job id |
| 2    | role           | string  | Yes      | Role           |
| 3    | party_id       | integer | Yes      | Party id       |
| 4    | component_name | string  | Yes      | Component Name |

#### `output_data(job_id, role, party_id, component_name, output_path, limit=10)`

  - *Description*:Download the output data of a specified
  - *Arguments*:

| No.  | Argument       | Type    | Required | Description                                |
| ---- | -------------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------------------------------ |
| 1    | job_id         | integer | Yes      | A valid job id                             |
| 2    | role           | string  | Yes      | Role                                       |
| 3    | party_id       | integer | Yes      | Party id                                   |
| 4    | component_name | string  | Yes      | Component Name                             |
| 5    | output_path    | string  | Yes      | Specified Output directory path            |
| 6    | limit          | integer | No       | Limit the number of results, default is 10 |

#### `output_data_table(job_id, role, party_id, component_name)`

  - *Description*:View table name and namespace.
  - *Arguments*:

| No.  | Argument       | Type    | Required | Description    |
| ---- | -------------- | ------- | -------- | -------------- |
| 1    | job_id         | integer | Yes      | A valid job id |
| 2    | role           | string  | Yes      | Role           |
| 3    | party_id       | integer | Yes      | Party id       |
| 4    | component_name | string  | Yes      | Component Name |

#### `list(job_id)`

  - *Description*: List components of a specified job.
  - *Arguments*:

| No. | Argument | Type    | Required | Description    |
| --- | -------- | ------- | -------- | -------------- |
| 1   | job_id  | integer | Yes      | A valid job id |

#### `get_summary(job_id, role, party_id, component_name)`

  - *Description*:Get summary of specified component.
  - *Arguments*:

| No.  | Argument       | Type    | Required | Description    |
| ---- | -------------- | ------- | -------- | -------------- |
| 1    | job_id         | integer | Yes      | A valid job id |
| 2    | role           | string  | Yes      | Role           |
| 3    | party_id       | integer | Yes      | Party id       |
| 4    | component_name | string  | Yes      | Component Name |

## Data Operations

### Usage

``` sourceCode python



  • Description:Download Data Table.
  • Arguments
No. Argument Type Required Description
1 conf_path string Yes Configuration file path

upload(conf_path, verbose=0, drop=0)

  • Description:Upload Data Table.
  • Arguments
No. Argument Type Required Description
1 conf_path string Yes Configuration file path
2 verbose integer No Verbose mode, 0 (default) means 'disable', 1 means 'enable'
3 drop integer No If 'drop' is set to be 0 (defualt), when data had been uploaded before, current upload task would be rejected. If 'drop' is set to be 1, data of old version would be replaced by the latest version.

upload_history(limit=10, job_id=None)

  • Description:Query Upload Table History.
  • Arguments
No. Argument Type Required Description
1 limit integer No Limit the number of results, default is 10
2 job_id integer No A valid job id

Task Operations


``` sourceCode python client.task.list(limit=10)

### Functions

#### `list(limit=10)`

  - *Description*: List
  - *Arguments*:

| No.  | Argument | Type    | Required | Description                                |
| ---- | -------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------------------------------ |
| 1    | limit    | integer | No       | Limit the number of results, default is 10 |

#### `query(job_id=None, role=None, party_id=None, component_name=None, status=None)`

  - *Description*: Query task information by filters.
  - *Arguments*:

| No.  | Argument       | Type    | Required | Description     |
| ---- | -------------- | ------- | -------- | --------------- |
| 1    | job_id         | integer | No       | A valid job id. |
| 2    | role           | string  | No       | Role            |
| 3    | party_id       | integer | No       | Party ID        |
| 4    | component_name | string  | No       | Component Name  |
| 5    | status         | string  | No       | Job Status      |

## Model Operations

### Usage

``` sourceCode python


load(conf_path=None, job_id=None)

  • Description: Load model. Need to deploy model first if dsl_version == 2.
  • Arguments
No. Argument Type Required Description
1 conf_path string No Configuration file path
2 job_id string No A valid job id

bind(conf_path, job_id=None)

  • Description: Bind model. Need to deploy model first if dsl_version == 2.
  • Arguments
No. Argument Type Required Description
1 conf_path string Yes Configuration file path
2 job_id string No A valid job id

export_model(conf_path, to_database=False)

  • Description: Export model.
  • Arguments
No. Argument Type Required Description
1 conf_path string Yes Configuration file path
2 to_database bool No If specified and there is a valid database environment, fate flow will export model to database which you specified in configuration file.

import_model(conf_path, from_database=False)

  • Description: Import model.
  • Arguments
No. Argument Type Required Description
1 conf_path string Yes Configuration file path
2 from_database bool No If specified and there is a valid database environment, fate flow will import model from database which you specified in configuration file.

migrate(conf_path, to_database=False)

  • Description: Migrate model.
  • Arguments
No. Argument Type Required Description
1 conf_path string Yes Configuration file path
2 to_database bool No If specified and there is a valid database environment, fate flow will export model to database which you specified in configuration file.


  • Description: List tags of model.
  • Arguments
No. Argument Type Required Description
1 job_id integer Yes A valid job id

tag_model(job_id, tag_name, remove=False)

  • Description: Tag model.
  • Arguments
No. Argument Type Required Description
1 job_id integer Yes A valid job id
2 tag_name string Yes The name of tag
3 remove bool No If specified, the name of specified model will be removed from the model name list of specified tag.

deploy(model_id, model_version=None, cpn_list=None, predict_dsl=None, components_checkpoint=None)

  • Description: Deploy model.
  • Arguments
No. Argument Type Required Description
1 model_id string Yes Parent model id
2 model_version string Yes Parent model version
3 cpn_list list No Component list
4 predict_dsl dict No Predict DSL
5 components_checkpoint dict No Specify checkpoints

get_predict_dsl(model_id, model_version)

  • Description: Get predict dsl of model.
  • Arguments
No. Argument Type Required Description
1 model_id string Yes Parent model id
2 model_version string Yes Parent model version

get_predict_conf(model_id, model_version)

  • Description: Get predict conf of model.
  • Arguments
No. Argument Type Required Description
1 model_id string Yes Parent model id
2 model_version string Yes Parent model version

get_model_info(model_id=None, model_version=None, role=None, party_id=None, query_filters=None, **kwargs)

  • Description: Get information of model.
  • Arguments
No. Argument Type Required Description
1 model_id string No model id
2 model_version string Yes model version
3 role string No role name
4 party_id string No party id
5 query_filters list No query filters


  • Description: Convert trained homogeneous model to a model of common framework.
  • Arguments
No. Argument Type Required Description
1 conf_path string Yes Configuration file path


  • Description: Deploy trained homogeneous model to an online serving system. Currently KFServing is supported.
  • Arguments
No. Argument Type Required Description
1 conf_path string Yes Configuration file path

Tag Operations


``` sourceCode python client.tag.create(tag_name, desc)

### Functions

#### `create(tag_name, tag_desc=None)`

  - *Description*: Create Tag.
  - *Arguments*:

| No. | Argument  | Type   | Required | Description            |
| --- | --------- | ------ | -------- | ---------------------- |
| 1   | tag_name | string | Yes      | The name of tag        |
| 2   | tag_desc | string | No       | The description of tag |

#### `update(tag_name, new_tag_name=None, new_tag_desc=None)`

  - *Description*: Update information of tag.
  - *Arguments*:

| No.  | Argument     | Type   | Required | Description            |
| ---- | ------------ | ------ | -------- | ---------------------- |
| 1    | tag_name     | string | Yes      | The name of tag        |
| 2    | new_tag_name | string | No       | New name of tag        |
| 3    | new_tag_desc | string | No       | New description of tag |

#### `list(limit=10)`

  - *Description*: List recorded
  - *Arguments*:

| No.  | Argument | Type    | Required | Description                                |
| ---- | -------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------------------------------ |
| 1    | limit    | integer | No       | Number of records to return. (default: 10) |

#### `query(tag_name, with_model=False)`

  - *Description*: Retrieve
  - *Arguments*:

| No.  | Argument   | Type   | Required | Description                                                  |
| ---- | ---------- | ------ | -------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| 1    | tag_name   | string | Yes      | The name of tag                                              |
| 2    | with_model | bool   | No       | If specified, the information of models which have the tag custom queried would be displayed |

#### `delete(tag_name)`

  - *Description*: Delete tag.
  - *Arguments*:

| No. | Argument  | Type   | Required | Description     |
| --- | --------- | ------ | -------- | --------------- |
| 1   | tag_name | string | Yes      | The name of tag |

## Table Operations

### Usage

``` sourceCode python, table_name)


info(namespace, table_name)

  • Description: Query table information.
  • Arguments
No. Argument Type Required Description
1 namespace string Yes Namespace
2 table_name string Yes Table Name

delete(namespace=None, table_name=None, job_id=None, role=None, party_id=None, component_name=None)

  • Description:Delete table.
  • Arguments
No. Argument Type Required Description
1 namespace string No Namespace
2 table_name string No Table Name
3 job_id integer No A valid job id
4 role string No Role
5 party_id integer No Party id
6 component_name string No Component Name

Queue Operations


sourceCode python client.queue.clean()



  • Description:Cancel all jobs in queue.
  • Arguments:None

Last update: 2021-11-15
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