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FTLParam (BaseParam)

Source code in federatedml/param/
class FTLParam(BaseParam):

    def __init__(self, alpha=1, tol=0.000001,
                 n_iter_no_change=False, validation_freqs=None, optimizer={'optimizer': 'Adam', 'learning_rate': 0.01},
                 nn_define={}, epochs=1, intersect_param=IntersectParam(consts.RSA), config_type='keras', batch_size=-1,
                 predict_param=PredictParam(), mode='plain', communication_efficient=False,
                 local_round=5, callback_param=CallbackParam()):
        alpha : float
            a loss coefficient defined in paper, it defines the importance of alignment loss
        tol : float
            loss tolerance
        n_iter_no_change : bool
            check loss convergence or not
        validation_freqs : None or positive integer or container object in python
            Do validation in training process or Not.
            if equals None, will not do validation in train process;
            if equals positive integer, will validate data every validation_freqs epochs passes;
            if container object in python, will validate data if epochs belong to this container.
            e.g. validation_freqs = [10, 15], will validate data when epoch equals to 10 and 15.
            The default value is None, 1 is suggested. You can set it to a number larger than 1 in order to
            speed up training by skipping validation rounds. When it is larger than 1, a number which is
            divisible by "epochs" is recommended, otherwise, you will miss the validation scores
            of last training epoch.
        optimizer : str or dict
            optimizer method, accept following types:
            1. a string, one of "Adadelta", "Adagrad", "Adam", "Adamax", "Nadam", "RMSprop", "SGD"
            2. a dict, with a required key-value pair keyed by "optimizer",
                with optional key-value pairs such as learning rate.
            defaults to "SGD"
        nn_define : dict
            a dict represents the structure of neural network, it can be output by tf-keras
        epochs : int
            epochs num
            define the intersect method
        config_type : {'tf-keras'}
            config type
        batch_size : int
            batch size when computing transformed feature embedding, -1 use full data.
            encrypted param
            encrypted mode calculator param:
            predict param
        mode: {"plain", "encrypted"}
            plain: will not use any encrypt algorithms, data exchanged in plaintext
            encrypted: use paillier to encrypt gradients
        communication_efficient: bool
            will use communication efficient or not. when communication efficient is enabled, FTL model will
            update gradients by several local rounds using intermediate data
        local_round: int
            local update round when using communication efficient

        super(FTLParam, self).__init__()
        self.alpha = alpha
        self.tol = tol
        self.n_iter_no_change = n_iter_no_change
        self.validation_freqs = validation_freqs
        self.optimizer = optimizer
        self.nn_define = nn_define
        self.epochs = epochs
        self.intersect_param = copy.deepcopy(intersect_param)
        self.config_type = config_type
        self.batch_size = batch_size
        self.encrypted_mode_calculator_param = copy.deepcopy(encrypted_mode_calculator_param)
        self.encrypt_param = copy.deepcopy(encrypte_param)
        self.predict_param = copy.deepcopy(predict_param)
        self.mode = mode
        self.communication_efficient = communication_efficient
        self.local_round = local_round
        self.callback_param = copy.deepcopy(callback_param)

    def check(self):

        self.optimizer = self._parse_optimizer(self.optimizer)

        supported_config_type = ["keras"]
        if self.config_type not in supported_config_type:
            raise ValueError(f"config_type should be one of {supported_config_type}")

        if not isinstance(self.tol, (int, float)):
            raise ValueError("tol should be numeric")

        if not isinstance(self.epochs, int) or self.epochs <= 0:
            raise ValueError("epochs should be a positive integer")

        if self.nn_define and not isinstance(self.nn_define, dict):
            raise ValueError("bottom_nn_define should be a dict defining the structure of neural network")

        if self.batch_size != -1:
            if not isinstance(self.batch_size, int) \
                    or self.batch_size < consts.MIN_BATCH_SIZE:
                raise ValueError(
                    " {} not supported, should be larger than 10 or -1 represent for all data".format(self.batch_size))

        for p in deprecated_param_list:
            # if self._warn_to_deprecate_param(p, "", ""):
            if self._deprecated_params_set.get(p):
                if "callback_param" in self.get_user_feeded():
                    raise ValueError(f"{p} and callback param should not be set simultaneously,"
                                     f"{self._deprecated_params_set}, {self.get_user_feeded()}")
                    self.callback_param.callbacks = ["PerformanceEvaluate"]

        descr = "ftl's"

        if self._warn_to_deprecate_param("validation_freqs", descr, "callback_param's 'validation_freqs'"):
            self.callback_param.validation_freqs = self.validation_freqs

        if self._warn_to_deprecate_param("metrics", descr, "callback_param's 'metrics'"):
            self.callback_param.metrics = self.metrics

        if self.validation_freqs is None:
        elif isinstance(self.validation_freqs, int):
            if self.validation_freqs < 1:
                raise ValueError("validation_freqs should be larger than 0 when it's integer")
        elif not isinstance(self.validation_freqs, collections.Container):
            raise ValueError("validation_freqs should be None or positive integer or container")

        assert isinstance(self.communication_efficient, bool), 'communication efficient must be a boolean'
        assert self.mode in [
            'encrypted', 'plain'], 'mode options: encrpyted or plain, but {} is offered'.format(

        self.check_positive_integer(self.epochs, 'epochs')
        self.check_positive_number(self.alpha, 'alpha')
        self.check_positive_integer(self.local_round, 'local round')

    def _parse_optimizer(opt):

            1. "optimize": "SGD"
            2. "optimize": {
                "optimizer": "SGD",
                "learning_rate": 0.05

        kwargs = {}
        if isinstance(opt, str):
            return SimpleNamespace(optimizer=opt, kwargs=kwargs)
        elif isinstance(opt, dict):
            optimizer = opt.get("optimizer", kwargs)
            if not optimizer:
                raise ValueError(f"optimizer config: {opt} invalid")
            kwargs = {k: v for k, v in opt.items() if k != "optimizer"}
            return SimpleNamespace(optimizer=optimizer, kwargs=kwargs)
            raise ValueError(f"invalid type for optimize: {type(opt)}")
__init__(self, alpha=1, tol=1e-06, n_iter_no_change=False, validation_freqs=None, optimizer={'optimizer': 'Adam', 'learning_rate': 0.01}, nn_define={}, epochs=1, intersect_param=<federatedml.param.intersect_param.IntersectParam object at 0x7f8a3892f610>, config_type='keras', batch_size=-1, encrypte_param=<federatedml.param.encrypt_param.EncryptParam object at 0x7f8a3892f690>, encrypted_mode_calculator_param=<federatedml.param.encrypted_mode_calculation_param.EncryptedModeCalculatorParam object at 0x7f8a3892f7d0>, predict_param=<federatedml.param.predict_param.PredictParam object at 0x7f8a3892ff90>, mode='plain', communication_efficient=False, local_round=5, callback_param=<federatedml.param.callback_param.CallbackParam object at 0x7f8a3892f8d0>) special

alpha : float a loss coefficient defined in paper, it defines the importance of alignment loss tol : float loss tolerance n_iter_no_change : bool check loss convergence or not validation_freqs : None or positive integer or container object in python Do validation in training process or Not. if equals None, will not do validation in train process; if equals positive integer, will validate data every validation_freqs epochs passes; if container object in python, will validate data if epochs belong to this container. e.g. validation_freqs = [10, 15], will validate data when epoch equals to 10 and 15. The default value is None, 1 is suggested. You can set it to a number larger than 1 in order to speed up training by skipping validation rounds. When it is larger than 1, a number which is divisible by "epochs" is recommended, otherwise, you will miss the validation scores of last training epoch. optimizer : str or dict optimizer method, accept following types: 1. a string, one of "Adadelta", "Adagrad", "Adam", "Adamax", "Nadam", "RMSprop", "SGD" 2. a dict, with a required key-value pair keyed by "optimizer", with optional key-value pairs such as learning rate. defaults to "SGD" nn_define : dict a dict represents the structure of neural network, it can be output by tf-keras epochs : int epochs num intersect_param define the intersect method config_type : {'tf-keras'} config type batch_size : int batch size when computing transformed feature embedding, -1 use full data. encrypte_param encrypted param encrypted_mode_calculator_param encrypted mode calculator param: predict_param predict param

{"plain", "encrypted"}

plain: will not use any encrypt algorithms, data exchanged in plaintext encrypted: use paillier to encrypt gradients


will use communication efficient or not. when communication efficient is enabled, FTL model will update gradients by several local rounds using intermediate data


local update round when using communication efficient

Source code in federatedml/param/
def __init__(self, alpha=1, tol=0.000001,
             n_iter_no_change=False, validation_freqs=None, optimizer={'optimizer': 'Adam', 'learning_rate': 0.01},
             nn_define={}, epochs=1, intersect_param=IntersectParam(consts.RSA), config_type='keras', batch_size=-1,
             predict_param=PredictParam(), mode='plain', communication_efficient=False,
             local_round=5, callback_param=CallbackParam()):
    alpha : float
        a loss coefficient defined in paper, it defines the importance of alignment loss
    tol : float
        loss tolerance
    n_iter_no_change : bool
        check loss convergence or not
    validation_freqs : None or positive integer or container object in python
        Do validation in training process or Not.
        if equals None, will not do validation in train process;
        if equals positive integer, will validate data every validation_freqs epochs passes;
        if container object in python, will validate data if epochs belong to this container.
        e.g. validation_freqs = [10, 15], will validate data when epoch equals to 10 and 15.
        The default value is None, 1 is suggested. You can set it to a number larger than 1 in order to
        speed up training by skipping validation rounds. When it is larger than 1, a number which is
        divisible by "epochs" is recommended, otherwise, you will miss the validation scores
        of last training epoch.
    optimizer : str or dict
        optimizer method, accept following types:
        1. a string, one of "Adadelta", "Adagrad", "Adam", "Adamax", "Nadam", "RMSprop", "SGD"
        2. a dict, with a required key-value pair keyed by "optimizer",
            with optional key-value pairs such as learning rate.
        defaults to "SGD"
    nn_define : dict
        a dict represents the structure of neural network, it can be output by tf-keras
    epochs : int
        epochs num
        define the intersect method
    config_type : {'tf-keras'}
        config type
    batch_size : int
        batch size when computing transformed feature embedding, -1 use full data.
        encrypted param
        encrypted mode calculator param:
        predict param
    mode: {"plain", "encrypted"}
        plain: will not use any encrypt algorithms, data exchanged in plaintext
        encrypted: use paillier to encrypt gradients
    communication_efficient: bool
        will use communication efficient or not. when communication efficient is enabled, FTL model will
        update gradients by several local rounds using intermediate data
    local_round: int
        local update round when using communication efficient

    super(FTLParam, self).__init__()
    self.alpha = alpha
    self.tol = tol
    self.n_iter_no_change = n_iter_no_change
    self.validation_freqs = validation_freqs
    self.optimizer = optimizer
    self.nn_define = nn_define
    self.epochs = epochs
    self.intersect_param = copy.deepcopy(intersect_param)
    self.config_type = config_type
    self.batch_size = batch_size
    self.encrypted_mode_calculator_param = copy.deepcopy(encrypted_mode_calculator_param)
    self.encrypt_param = copy.deepcopy(encrypte_param)
    self.predict_param = copy.deepcopy(predict_param)
    self.mode = mode
    self.communication_efficient = communication_efficient
    self.local_round = local_round
    self.callback_param = copy.deepcopy(callback_param)
Source code in federatedml/param/
def check(self):

    self.optimizer = self._parse_optimizer(self.optimizer)

    supported_config_type = ["keras"]
    if self.config_type not in supported_config_type:
        raise ValueError(f"config_type should be one of {supported_config_type}")

    if not isinstance(self.tol, (int, float)):
        raise ValueError("tol should be numeric")

    if not isinstance(self.epochs, int) or self.epochs <= 0:
        raise ValueError("epochs should be a positive integer")

    if self.nn_define and not isinstance(self.nn_define, dict):
        raise ValueError("bottom_nn_define should be a dict defining the structure of neural network")

    if self.batch_size != -1:
        if not isinstance(self.batch_size, int) \
                or self.batch_size < consts.MIN_BATCH_SIZE:
            raise ValueError(
                " {} not supported, should be larger than 10 or -1 represent for all data".format(self.batch_size))

    for p in deprecated_param_list:
        # if self._warn_to_deprecate_param(p, "", ""):
        if self._deprecated_params_set.get(p):
            if "callback_param" in self.get_user_feeded():
                raise ValueError(f"{p} and callback param should not be set simultaneously,"
                                 f"{self._deprecated_params_set}, {self.get_user_feeded()}")
                self.callback_param.callbacks = ["PerformanceEvaluate"]

    descr = "ftl's"

    if self._warn_to_deprecate_param("validation_freqs", descr, "callback_param's 'validation_freqs'"):
        self.callback_param.validation_freqs = self.validation_freqs

    if self._warn_to_deprecate_param("metrics", descr, "callback_param's 'metrics'"):
        self.callback_param.metrics = self.metrics

    if self.validation_freqs is None:
    elif isinstance(self.validation_freqs, int):
        if self.validation_freqs < 1:
            raise ValueError("validation_freqs should be larger than 0 when it's integer")
    elif not isinstance(self.validation_freqs, collections.Container):
        raise ValueError("validation_freqs should be None or positive integer or container")

    assert isinstance(self.communication_efficient, bool), 'communication efficient must be a boolean'
    assert self.mode in [
        'encrypted', 'plain'], 'mode options: encrpyted or plain, but {} is offered'.format(

    self.check_positive_integer(self.epochs, 'epochs')
    self.check_positive_number(self.alpha, 'alpha')
    self.check_positive_integer(self.local_round, 'local round')

Last update: 2022-08-30