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This module provide some method of PSI(Private Set Intersection)

RSA Intersection

This mode implements algorithm based on RSA Intersection. This work is built on FATE, eggroll and federation API that construct the secure, distributed and parallel infrastructure.

Our Intersection module tries to solve Privacy-Preserving Entity Match problem. This module helps two and more parties to find common entry ids without leaking non-overlapping ids. The process is illustrated below in figure 1.

Figure 1 (RSA Intersection between party A and party

In figure 1 ,Party A has user id u1,u2,u3,u4, while Party B has u1,u2,u3,u5. After Intersection, party A and party B both learn their common user ids, which are u1,u2,u3, while neither party A nor B could decrypt each other's non-overlapping user ids. Transmission parties' processed id to the other party, like Y-A and Z-B, will not reveal raw ids. Processed Z-B is safe due to the privacy key of party B. Each Y-A includes different random value which binds to each value in X-A and will be safe as well.

Introduced in FATE version 1.6, split_calculation option is available for improved efficiency. Different from unified process described above, split_calculation process first splits hash-processed ids into even and odd groups; each group then runs through the RSA intersection process with either host or guest as the joining role. Note than with split_calculation, host(s) always know about their common even ids with guest since they are responsible for finding common even ids.

With RSA intersection, participants can get their intersection ids securely and efficiently.

RAW Intersection

This mode implements the simple intersection method in which a participant sends all its ids to another participant, and the other participant finds their common ids. Finally, the joining role will send the intersection ids to the sender.

DH Intersection

This mode implements secure intersection based on symmetric encryption with Pohlig–Hellman commutative cipher. DH Intersection is also used in Secure Information Retrieval(SIR) module.

Intersection With Cache

Intersection may be conducted as online/offline phases. Both RSA and DH Intersection support cache.

Multi-Host Intersection

RSA, RAW, and DH intersection support multi-host scenario. It means a guest can perform intersection with more than one host simultaneously and get the common ids among all participants.

Figure 2 (multi-hosts

Refer to figure 2 for a demonstration of one guest running intersection with two hosts; the same process applies to cases with more than two hosts. First, guest will run intersection with each host and get respective overlapping ids. Then, guest will find common IDs from all intersection results. Optionally, guest will send common IDs to every host.

Match ID(Repeated ID) intersection

Starting at ver 1.7, it is recommended to assign random sid to uploaded data. Intersection module then automatically checks for and process data with instance ID.

Note that parameters for original repeated ID process such as repeated_id_process are deprecated in ver 1.7. Specify sample_id_generator to the role whose sid to be kept. For instances, when sample_id_generator is set to Guest(default), Guest's data is

sid, id, value
123, alice, 2
125, alice, 3
130, bob, 4

In Host, you data is

sid, id, value
210, alice, 5
232, alice, 5
212, bob, 4

After intersection, guest will get the intersection results:

sid, id, value
123, alice, 2
125, alice, 3
130, bob, 4

And for Host:

sid, id, value
123, alice, 5
125, alice, 5
130, bob, 4





EncodeParam (BaseParam)

Define the hash method for raw intersect method


Name Type Description Default
salt str

the src data string will be str = str + salt, default by empty string

encode_method {"none", "md5", "sha1", "sha224", "sha256", "sha384", "sha512", "sm3"}

the hash method of src data string, support md5, sha1, sha224, sha256, sha384, sha512, sm3, default by None

base64 bool

if True, the result of hash will be changed to base64, default by False

Source code in federatedml/param/
class EncodeParam(BaseParam):
    Define the hash method for raw intersect method

    salt: str
        the src data string will be str = str + salt, default by empty string

    encode_method: {"none", "md5", "sha1", "sha224", "sha256", "sha384", "sha512", "sm3"}
        the hash method of src data string, support md5, sha1, sha224, sha256, sha384, sha512, sm3, default by None

    base64: bool
        if True, the result of hash will be changed to base64, default by False

    def __init__(self, salt='', encode_method='none', base64=False):
        self.salt = salt
        self.encode_method = encode_method
        self.base64 = base64

    def check(self):
        if type(self.salt).__name__ != "str":
            raise ValueError(
                "encode param's salt {} not supported, should be str type".format(

        descr = "encode param's "

        self.encode_method = self.check_and_change_lower(self.encode_method,
                                                         ["none", consts.MD5, consts.SHA1, consts.SHA224,
                                                          consts.SHA256, consts.SHA384, consts.SHA512,

        if type(self.base64).__name__ != "bool":
            raise ValueError(
                "hash param's base64 {} not supported, should be bool type".format(self.base64))

        LOGGER.debug("Finish EncodeParam check!")
        LOGGER.warning(f"'EncodeParam' will be replaced by 'RAWParam' in future release."
                       f"Please do not rely on current param naming in application.")
        return True
__init__(self, salt='', encode_method='none', base64=False) special
Source code in federatedml/param/
def __init__(self, salt='', encode_method='none', base64=False):
    self.salt = salt
    self.encode_method = encode_method
    self.base64 = base64
Source code in federatedml/param/
def check(self):
    if type(self.salt).__name__ != "str":
        raise ValueError(
            "encode param's salt {} not supported, should be str type".format(

    descr = "encode param's "

    self.encode_method = self.check_and_change_lower(self.encode_method,
                                                     ["none", consts.MD5, consts.SHA1, consts.SHA224,
                                                      consts.SHA256, consts.SHA384, consts.SHA512,

    if type(self.base64).__name__ != "bool":
        raise ValueError(
            "hash param's base64 {} not supported, should be bool type".format(self.base64))

    LOGGER.debug("Finish EncodeParam check!")
    LOGGER.warning(f"'EncodeParam' will be replaced by 'RAWParam' in future release."
                   f"Please do not rely on current param naming in application.")
    return True
RAWParam (BaseParam)

Specify parameters for raw intersect method


Name Type Description Default
use_hash bool

whether to hash ids for raw intersect

salt str

the src data string will be str = str + salt, default by empty string

hash_method str

the hash method of src data string, support md5, sha1, sha224, sha256, sha384, sha512, sm3, default by None

base64 bool

if True, the result of hash will be changed to base64, default by False

join_role {"guest", "host"}

role who joins ids, supports "guest" and "host" only and effective only for raw. If it is "guest", the host will send its ids to guest and find the intersection of ids in guest; if it is "host", the guest will send its ids to host. Default by "guest";

Source code in federatedml/param/
class RAWParam(BaseParam):
    Specify parameters for raw intersect method

    use_hash: bool
        whether to hash ids for raw intersect

    salt: str
        the src data string will be str = str + salt, default by empty string

    hash_method: str
        the hash method of src data string, support md5, sha1, sha224, sha256, sha384, sha512, sm3, default by None

    base64: bool
        if True, the result of hash will be changed to base64, default by False

    join_role: {"guest", "host"}
        role who joins ids, supports "guest" and "host" only and effective only for raw.
        If it is "guest", the host will send its ids to guest and find the intersection of
        ids in guest; if it is "host", the guest will send its ids to host. Default by "guest";

    def __init__(self, use_hash=False, salt='', hash_method='none', base64=False, join_role=consts.GUEST):
        self.use_hash = use_hash
        self.salt = salt
        self.hash_method = hash_method
        self.base64 = base64
        self.join_role = join_role

    def check(self):
        descr = "raw param's "

        self.check_boolean(self.use_hash, f"{descr}use_hash")
        self.check_string(self.salt, f"{descr}salt")

        self.hash_method = self.check_and_change_lower(self.hash_method,
                                                         ["none", consts.MD5, consts.SHA1, consts.SHA224,
                                                          consts.SHA256, consts.SHA384, consts.SHA512,

        self.check_boolean(self.base64, f"{descr}base_64")
        self.join_role = self.check_and_change_lower(self.join_role, [consts.GUEST, consts.HOST], f"{descr}join_role")

        LOGGER.debug("Finish RAWParam check!")
        return True
__init__(self, use_hash=False, salt='', hash_method='none', base64=False, join_role='guest') special
Source code in federatedml/param/
def __init__(self, use_hash=False, salt='', hash_method='none', base64=False, join_role=consts.GUEST):
    self.use_hash = use_hash
    self.salt = salt
    self.hash_method = hash_method
    self.base64 = base64
    self.join_role = join_role
Source code in federatedml/param/
def check(self):
    descr = "raw param's "

    self.check_boolean(self.use_hash, f"{descr}use_hash")
    self.check_string(self.salt, f"{descr}salt")

    self.hash_method = self.check_and_change_lower(self.hash_method,
                                                     ["none", consts.MD5, consts.SHA1, consts.SHA224,
                                                      consts.SHA256, consts.SHA384, consts.SHA512,

    self.check_boolean(self.base64, f"{descr}base_64")
    self.join_role = self.check_and_change_lower(self.join_role, [consts.GUEST, consts.HOST], f"{descr}join_role")

    LOGGER.debug("Finish RAWParam check!")
    return True
RSAParam (BaseParam)

Specify parameters for RSA intersect method


Name Type Description Default
salt str

the src data string will be str = str + salt, default ''

hash_method str

the hash method of src data string, support sha256, sha384, sha512, sm3, default sha256

final_hash_method str

the hash method of result data string, support md5, sha1, sha224, sha256, sha384, sha512, sm3, default sha256

split_calculation bool

if True, Host & Guest split operations for faster performance, recommended on large data set

random_base_fraction positive float

if not None, generate (fraction * public key id count) of r for encryption and reuse generated r; note that value greater than 0.99 will be taken as 1, and value less than 0.01 will be rounded up to 0.01

key_length int

value >= 1024, bit count of rsa key, default 1024

random_bit positive int

it will define the size of blinding factor in rsa algorithm, default 128

Source code in federatedml/param/
class RSAParam(BaseParam):
    Specify parameters for RSA intersect method

    salt: str
        the src data string will be str = str + salt, default ''

    hash_method: str
        the hash method of src data string, support sha256, sha384, sha512, sm3, default sha256

    final_hash_method: str
        the hash method of result data string, support md5, sha1, sha224, sha256, sha384, sha512, sm3, default sha256

    split_calculation: bool
        if True, Host & Guest split operations for faster performance, recommended on large data set

    random_base_fraction: positive float
        if not None, generate (fraction * public key id count) of r for encryption and reuse generated r;
        note that value greater than 0.99 will be taken as 1, and value less than 0.01 will be rounded up to 0.01

    key_length: int
        value >= 1024, bit count of rsa key, default 1024

    random_bit: positive int
        it will define the size of blinding factor in rsa algorithm, default 128


    def __init__(self, salt='', hash_method='sha256',  final_hash_method='sha256',
                 split_calculation=False, random_base_fraction=None, key_length=consts.DEFAULT_KEY_LENGTH,
        self.salt = salt
        self.hash_method = hash_method
        self.final_hash_method = final_hash_method
        self.split_calculation = split_calculation
        self.random_base_fraction = random_base_fraction
        self.key_length = key_length
        self.random_bit = random_bit

    def check(self):
        descr = "rsa param's "
        self.check_string(self.salt, f"{descr}salt")

        self.hash_method = self.check_and_change_lower(self.hash_method,
                                                       [consts.SHA256, consts.SHA384, consts.SHA512, consts.SM3],

        self.final_hash_method = self.check_and_change_lower(self.final_hash_method,
                                                             [consts.MD5, consts.SHA1, consts.SHA224,
                                                              consts.SHA256, consts.SHA384, consts.SHA512,

        self.check_boolean(self.split_calculation, f"{descr}split_calculation")

        if self.random_base_fraction:
            self.check_positive_number(self.random_base_fraction, descr)
            self.check_decimal_float(self.random_base_fraction, f"{descr}random_base_fraction")

        self.check_positive_integer(self.key_length, f"{descr}key_length")
        if self.key_length < 1024:
            raise ValueError(f"key length must be >= 1024")
        self.check_positive_integer(self.random_bit, f"{descr}random_bit")

        LOGGER.debug("Finish RSAParam parameter check!")
        return True
__init__(self, salt='', hash_method='sha256', final_hash_method='sha256', split_calculation=False, random_base_fraction=None, key_length=1024, random_bit=128) special
Source code in federatedml/param/
def __init__(self, salt='', hash_method='sha256',  final_hash_method='sha256',
             split_calculation=False, random_base_fraction=None, key_length=consts.DEFAULT_KEY_LENGTH,
    self.salt = salt
    self.hash_method = hash_method
    self.final_hash_method = final_hash_method
    self.split_calculation = split_calculation
    self.random_base_fraction = random_base_fraction
    self.key_length = key_length
    self.random_bit = random_bit
Source code in federatedml/param/
def check(self):
    descr = "rsa param's "
    self.check_string(self.salt, f"{descr}salt")

    self.hash_method = self.check_and_change_lower(self.hash_method,
                                                   [consts.SHA256, consts.SHA384, consts.SHA512, consts.SM3],

    self.final_hash_method = self.check_and_change_lower(self.final_hash_method,
                                                         [consts.MD5, consts.SHA1, consts.SHA224,
                                                          consts.SHA256, consts.SHA384, consts.SHA512,

    self.check_boolean(self.split_calculation, f"{descr}split_calculation")

    if self.random_base_fraction:
        self.check_positive_number(self.random_base_fraction, descr)
        self.check_decimal_float(self.random_base_fraction, f"{descr}random_base_fraction")

    self.check_positive_integer(self.key_length, f"{descr}key_length")
    if self.key_length < 1024:
        raise ValueError(f"key length must be >= 1024")
    self.check_positive_integer(self.random_bit, f"{descr}random_bit")

    LOGGER.debug("Finish RSAParam parameter check!")
    return True
DHParam (BaseParam)

Define the hash method for DH intersect method


Name Type Description Default
salt str

the src data string will be str = str + salt, default ''

hash_method str

the hash method of src data string, support none, md5, sha1, sha 224, sha256, sha384, sha512, sm3, default sha256

key_length int, value >= 1024

the key length of the commutative cipher p, default 1024

Source code in federatedml/param/
class DHParam(BaseParam):
    Define the hash method for DH intersect method

    salt: str
        the src data string will be str = str + salt, default ''

    hash_method: str
        the hash method of src data string, support none, md5, sha1, sha 224, sha256, sha384, sha512, sm3, default sha256

    key_length: int, value >= 1024
        the key length of the commutative cipher p, default 1024


    def __init__(self, salt='', hash_method='sha256', key_length=consts.DEFAULT_KEY_LENGTH):
        self.salt = salt
        self.hash_method = hash_method
        self.key_length = key_length

    def check(self):
        descr = "dh param's "
        self.check_string(self.salt, f"{descr}salt")

        self.hash_method = self.check_and_change_lower(self.hash_method,
                                                       ["none", consts.MD5, consts.SHA1, consts.SHA224,
                                                        consts.SHA256, consts.SHA384, consts.SHA512,

        self.check_positive_integer(self.key_length, f"{descr}key_length")
        if self.key_length < 1024:
            raise ValueError(f"key length must be >= 1024")

        LOGGER.debug("Finish DHParam parameter check!")
        return True
__init__(self, salt='', hash_method='sha256', key_length=1024) special
Source code in federatedml/param/
def __init__(self, salt='', hash_method='sha256', key_length=consts.DEFAULT_KEY_LENGTH):
    self.salt = salt
    self.hash_method = hash_method
    self.key_length = key_length
Source code in federatedml/param/
def check(self):
    descr = "dh param's "
    self.check_string(self.salt, f"{descr}salt")

    self.hash_method = self.check_and_change_lower(self.hash_method,
                                                   ["none", consts.MD5, consts.SHA1, consts.SHA224,
                                                    consts.SHA256, consts.SHA384, consts.SHA512,

    self.check_positive_integer(self.key_length, f"{descr}key_length")
    if self.key_length < 1024:
        raise ValueError(f"key length must be >= 1024")

    LOGGER.debug("Finish DHParam parameter check!")
    return True
IntersectCache (BaseParam)
Source code in federatedml/param/
class IntersectCache(BaseParam):
    def __init__(self, use_cache=False, id_type=consts.PHONE, encrypt_type=consts.SHA256):

        use_cache: bool
            whether to use cached ids; with ver1.7 and above, this param is ignored
            with ver1.7 and above, this param is ignored
            with ver1.7 and above, this param is ignored
        self.use_cache = use_cache
        self.id_type = id_type
        self.encrypt_type = encrypt_type

    def check(self):
        descr = "intersect_cache param's "
        # self.check_boolean(self.use_cache, f"{descr}use_cache")

                                    [consts.PHONE, consts.IMEI],
                                    [consts.MD5, consts.SHA256],
__init__(self, use_cache=False, id_type='phone', encrypt_type='sha256') special


Name Type Description Default
use_cache bool

whether to use cached ids; with ver1.7 and above, this param is ignored

id_type None

with ver1.7 and above, this param is ignored

encrypt_type None

with ver1.7 and above, this param is ignored

Source code in federatedml/param/
def __init__(self, use_cache=False, id_type=consts.PHONE, encrypt_type=consts.SHA256):

    use_cache: bool
        whether to use cached ids; with ver1.7 and above, this param is ignored
        with ver1.7 and above, this param is ignored
        with ver1.7 and above, this param is ignored
    self.use_cache = use_cache
    self.id_type = id_type
    self.encrypt_type = encrypt_type
Source code in federatedml/param/
def check(self):
    descr = "intersect_cache param's "
    # self.check_boolean(self.use_cache, f"{descr}use_cache")

                                [consts.PHONE, consts.IMEI],
                                [consts.MD5, consts.SHA256],
IntersectPreProcessParam (BaseParam)

Specify parameters for pre-processing and cardinality-only mode


Name Type Description Default
false_positive_rate float

initial target false positive rate when creating Bloom Filter, must be <= 0.5, default 1e-3

encrypt_method str

encrypt method for encrypting id when performing cardinality_only task, supports rsa only, default rsa; specify rsa parameter setting with RSAParam

hash_method str

the hash method for inserting ids, support md5, sha1, sha 224, sha256, sha384, sha512, sm3, default sha256

preprocess_method str

the hash method for encoding ids before insertion into filter, default sha256, only effective for preprocessing

preprocess_salt str

salt to be appended to hash result by preprocess_method before insertion into filter, default '', only effective for preprocessing

random_state int

seed for random salt generator when constructing hash functions, salt is appended to hash result by hash_method when performing insertion, default None

filter_owner str

role that constructs filter, either guest or host, default guest, only effective for preprocessing

Source code in federatedml/param/
class IntersectPreProcessParam(BaseParam):
    Specify parameters for pre-processing and cardinality-only mode

    false_positive_rate: float
        initial target false positive rate when creating Bloom Filter,
        must be <= 0.5, default 1e-3

    encrypt_method: str
        encrypt method for encrypting id when performing cardinality_only task,
        supports rsa only, default rsa;
        specify rsa parameter setting with RSAParam

    hash_method: str
        the hash method for inserting ids, support md5, sha1, sha 224, sha256, sha384, sha512, sm3,
        default sha256

    preprocess_method: str
        the hash method for encoding ids before insertion into filter, default sha256,
        only effective for preprocessing

    preprocess_salt: str
        salt to be appended to hash result by preprocess_method before insertion into filter,
        default '', only effective for preprocessing

    random_state: int
        seed for random salt generator when constructing hash functions,
        salt is appended to hash result by hash_method when performing insertion, default None

    filter_owner: str
        role that constructs filter, either guest or host, default guest,
        only effective for preprocessing


    def __init__(self, false_positive_rate=1e-3, encrypt_method=consts.RSA, hash_method='sha256',
                 preprocess_method='sha256', preprocess_salt='', random_state=None, filter_owner=consts.GUEST):
        self.false_positive_rate = false_positive_rate
        self.encrypt_method = encrypt_method
        self.hash_method = hash_method
        self.preprocess_method = preprocess_method
        self.preprocess_salt = preprocess_salt
        self.random_state = random_state
        self.filter_owner = filter_owner

    def check(self):
        descr = "intersect preprocess param's false_positive_rate "
        self.check_decimal_float(self.false_positive_rate, descr)
        self.check_positive_number(self.false_positive_rate, descr)
        if self.false_positive_rate > 0.5:
            raise ValueError(f"{descr} must be positive float no greater than 0.5")

        descr = "intersect preprocess param's encrypt_method "
        self.encrypt_method = self.check_and_change_lower(self.encrypt_method, [consts.RSA], descr)

        descr = "intersect preprocess param's random_state "
        if self.random_state:
            self.check_nonnegative_number(self.random_state, descr)

        descr = "intersect preprocess param's hash_method "
        self.hash_method = self.check_and_change_lower(self.hash_method,
                                                       [consts.MD5, consts.SHA1, consts.SHA224,
                                                        consts.SHA256, consts.SHA384, consts.SHA512,
        descr = "intersect preprocess param's preprocess_salt "
        self.check_string(self.preprocess_salt, descr)

        descr = "intersect preprocess param's preprocess_method "
        self.preprocess_method = self.check_and_change_lower(self.preprocess_method,
                                                             [consts.MD5, consts.SHA1, consts.SHA224,
                                                             consts.SHA256, consts.SHA384, consts.SHA512,

        descr = "intersect preprocess param's filter_owner "
        self.filter_owner = self.check_and_change_lower(self.filter_owner,
                                                        [consts.GUEST, consts.HOST],

        LOGGER.debug("Finish IntersectPreProcessParam parameter check!")
        return True
__init__(self, false_positive_rate=0.001, encrypt_method='rsa', hash_method='sha256', preprocess_method='sha256', preprocess_salt='', random_state=None, filter_owner='guest') special
Source code in federatedml/param/
def __init__(self, false_positive_rate=1e-3, encrypt_method=consts.RSA, hash_method='sha256',
             preprocess_method='sha256', preprocess_salt='', random_state=None, filter_owner=consts.GUEST):
    self.false_positive_rate = false_positive_rate
    self.encrypt_method = encrypt_method
    self.hash_method = hash_method
    self.preprocess_method = preprocess_method
    self.preprocess_salt = preprocess_salt
    self.random_state = random_state
    self.filter_owner = filter_owner
Source code in federatedml/param/
def check(self):
    descr = "intersect preprocess param's false_positive_rate "
    self.check_decimal_float(self.false_positive_rate, descr)
    self.check_positive_number(self.false_positive_rate, descr)
    if self.false_positive_rate > 0.5:
        raise ValueError(f"{descr} must be positive float no greater than 0.5")

    descr = "intersect preprocess param's encrypt_method "
    self.encrypt_method = self.check_and_change_lower(self.encrypt_method, [consts.RSA], descr)

    descr = "intersect preprocess param's random_state "
    if self.random_state:
        self.check_nonnegative_number(self.random_state, descr)

    descr = "intersect preprocess param's hash_method "
    self.hash_method = self.check_and_change_lower(self.hash_method,
                                                   [consts.MD5, consts.SHA1, consts.SHA224,
                                                    consts.SHA256, consts.SHA384, consts.SHA512,
    descr = "intersect preprocess param's preprocess_salt "
    self.check_string(self.preprocess_salt, descr)

    descr = "intersect preprocess param's preprocess_method "
    self.preprocess_method = self.check_and_change_lower(self.preprocess_method,
                                                         [consts.MD5, consts.SHA1, consts.SHA224,
                                                         consts.SHA256, consts.SHA384, consts.SHA512,

    descr = "intersect preprocess param's filter_owner "
    self.filter_owner = self.check_and_change_lower(self.filter_owner,
                                                    [consts.GUEST, consts.HOST],

    LOGGER.debug("Finish IntersectPreProcessParam parameter check!")
    return True
IntersectParam (BaseParam)

Define the intersect method


Name Type Description Default
intersect_method str

it supports 'rsa', 'raw', and 'dh', default by 'rsa'

random_bit positive int

it will define the size of blinding factor in rsa algorithm, default 128 note that this param will be deprecated in future, please use random_bit in RSAParam instead

sync_intersect_ids bool

In rsa, 'sync_intersect_ids' is True means guest or host will send intersect results to the others, and False will not. while in raw, 'sync_intersect_ids' is True means the role of "join_role" will send intersect results and the others will get them. Default by True.

join_role str

role who joins ids, supports "guest" and "host" only and effective only for raw. If it is "guest", the host will send its ids to guest and find the intersection of ids in guest; if it is "host", the guest will send its ids to host. Default by "guest"; note this param will be deprecated in future version, please use 'join_role' in raw_params instead

only_output_key bool

if false, the results of intersection will include key and value which from input data; if true, it will just include key from input data and the value will be empty or filled by uniform string like "intersect_id"

with_encode bool

if True, it will use hash method for intersect ids, effective for raw method only; note that this param will be deprecated in future version, please use 'use_hash' in raw_params; currently if this param is set to True, specification by 'encode_params' will be taken instead of 'raw_params'.

encode_params EncodeParam

effective only when with_encode is True; this param will be deprecated in future version, use 'raw_params' in future implementation

<federatedml.param.intersect_param.EncodeParam object at 0x7ff82754ca50>
raw_params RAWParam

effective for raw method only

<federatedml.param.intersect_param.RAWParam object at 0x7ff82754cc10>
rsa_params RSAParam

effective for rsa method only

<federatedml.param.intersect_param.RSAParam object at 0x7ff82754cd10>
dh_params DHParam

effective for dh method only

<federatedml.param.intersect_param.DHParam object at 0x7ff82754ccd0>
join_method {'inner_join', 'left_join'}

if 'left_join', participants will all include sample_id_generator's (imputed) ids in output, default 'inner_join'

new_sample_id bool

whether to generate new id for sample_id_generator's ids, only effective when join_method is 'left_join' or when input data are instance with match id, default False

sample_id_generator str

role whose ids are to be kept, effective only when join_method is 'left_join' or when input data are instance with match id, default 'guest'

intersect_cache_param IntersectCacheParam

specification for cache generation, with ver1.7 and above, this param is ignored.

<federatedml.param.intersect_param.IntersectCache object at 0x7ff82754cad0>
run_cache bool

whether to store Host's encrypted ids, only valid when intersect method is 'rsa' or 'dh', default False

cardinality_only bool

whether to output estimated intersection count(cardinality); if sync_cardinality is True, then sync cardinality count with host(s)

sync_cardinality bool

whether to sync cardinality with all participants, default False, only effective when cardinality_only set to True

run_preprocess bool

whether to run preprocess process, default False

intersect_preprocess_params IntersectPreProcessParam

used for preprocessing and cardinality_only mode

<federatedml.param.intersect_param.IntersectPreProcessParam object at 0x7ff8274db990>
repeated_id_process bool

if true, intersection will process the ids which can be repeatable; in ver 1.7 and above,repeated id process will be automatically applied to data with instance id, this param will be ignored

repeated_id_owner str

which role has the repeated id; in ver 1.7 and above, this param is ignored

allow_info_share bool

in ver 1.7 and above, this param is ignored

info_owner str

in ver 1.7 and above, this param is ignored

with_sample_id bool

data with sample id or not, default False; in ver 1.7 and above, this param is ignored

Source code in federatedml/param/
class IntersectParam(BaseParam):
    Define the intersect method

    intersect_method: str
        it supports 'rsa', 'raw', and 'dh', default by 'rsa'

    random_bit: positive int
        it will define the size of blinding factor in rsa algorithm, default 128
        note that this param will be deprecated in future, please use random_bit in RSAParam instead

    sync_intersect_ids: bool
        In rsa, 'sync_intersect_ids' is True means guest or host will send intersect results to the others, and False will not.
        while in raw, 'sync_intersect_ids' is True means the role of "join_role" will send intersect results and the others will get them.
        Default by True.

    join_role: str
        role who joins ids, supports "guest" and "host" only and effective only for raw.
        If it is "guest", the host will send its ids to guest and find the intersection of
        ids in guest; if it is "host", the guest will send its ids to host. Default by "guest";
        note this param will be deprecated in future version, please use 'join_role' in raw_params instead

    only_output_key: bool
        if false, the results of intersection will include key and value which from input data; if true, it will just include key from input
        data and the value will be empty or filled by uniform string like "intersect_id"

    with_encode: bool
        if True, it will use hash method for intersect ids, effective for raw method only;
        note that this param will be deprecated in future version, please use 'use_hash' in raw_params;
        currently if this param is set to True,
        specification by 'encode_params' will be taken instead of 'raw_params'.

    encode_params: EncodeParam
        effective only when with_encode is True;
        this param will be deprecated in future version, use 'raw_params' in future implementation

    raw_params: RAWParam
        effective for raw method only

    rsa_params: RSAParam
        effective for rsa method only

    dh_params: DHParam
        effective for dh method only

    join_method: {'inner_join', 'left_join'}
        if 'left_join', participants will all include sample_id_generator's (imputed) ids in output,
        default 'inner_join'

    new_sample_id: bool
        whether to generate new id for sample_id_generator's ids,
        only effective when join_method is 'left_join' or when input data are instance with match id,
        default False

    sample_id_generator: str
        role whose ids are to be kept,
        effective only when join_method is 'left_join' or when input data are instance with match id,
        default 'guest'

    intersect_cache_param: IntersectCacheParam
        specification for cache generation,
        with ver1.7 and above, this param is ignored.

    run_cache: bool
        whether to store Host's encrypted ids, only valid when intersect method is 'rsa' or 'dh', default False

    cardinality_only: bool
        whether to output estimated intersection count(cardinality);
        if sync_cardinality is True, then sync cardinality count with host(s)

    sync_cardinality: bool
        whether to sync cardinality with all participants, default False,
        only effective when cardinality_only set to True

    run_preprocess: bool
        whether to run preprocess process, default False

    intersect_preprocess_params: IntersectPreProcessParam
        used for preprocessing and cardinality_only mode

    repeated_id_process: bool
        if true, intersection will process the ids which can be repeatable;
        in ver 1.7 and above,repeated id process
        will be automatically applied to data with instance id, this param will be ignored

    repeated_id_owner: str
        which role has the repeated id; in ver 1.7 and above, this param is ignored

    allow_info_share: bool
        in ver 1.7 and above, this param is ignored

    info_owner: str
        in ver 1.7 and above, this param is ignored

    with_sample_id: bool
        data with sample id or not, default False; in ver 1.7 and above, this param is ignored

    def __init__(self, intersect_method: str = consts.RSA, random_bit=DEFAULT_RANDOM_BIT, sync_intersect_ids=True,
                 join_role=consts.GUEST, only_output_key: bool=False,
                 with_encode=False, encode_params=EncodeParam(),
                 raw_params=RAWParam(), rsa_params=RSAParam(), dh_params=DHParam(),
                 join_method=consts.INNER_JOIN, new_sample_id: bool = False, sample_id_generator=consts.GUEST,
                 intersect_cache_param=IntersectCache(), run_cache: bool = False,
                 cardinality_only: bool = False, sync_cardinality: bool = False,
                 run_preprocess:bool = False,
                 repeated_id_process=False, repeated_id_owner=consts.GUEST,
                 with_sample_id=False,  allow_info_share: bool = False, info_owner=consts.GUEST):
        self.intersect_method = intersect_method
        self.random_bit = random_bit
        self.sync_intersect_ids = sync_intersect_ids
        self.join_role = join_role
        self.with_encode = with_encode
        self.encode_params = copy.deepcopy(encode_params)
        self.raw_params = copy.deepcopy(raw_params)
        self.rsa_params = copy.deepcopy(rsa_params)
        self.only_output_key = only_output_key
        self.sample_id_generator = sample_id_generator
        self.intersect_cache_param = copy.deepcopy(intersect_cache_param)
        self.run_cache = run_cache
        self.repeated_id_process = repeated_id_process
        self.repeated_id_owner = repeated_id_owner
        self.allow_info_share = allow_info_share
        self.info_owner = info_owner
        self.with_sample_id = with_sample_id
        self.join_method = join_method
        self.new_sample_id = new_sample_id
        self.dh_params = copy.deepcopy(dh_params)
        self.cardinality_only = cardinality_only
        self.sync_cardinality = sync_cardinality
        self.run_preprocess = run_preprocess
        self.intersect_preprocess_params = copy.deepcopy(intersect_preprocess_params)

    def check(self):
        descr = "intersect param's "

        self.intersect_method = self.check_and_change_lower(self.intersect_method,
                                                            [consts.RSA, consts.RAW, consts.DH],

        if self._warn_to_deprecate_param("random_bit", descr, "rsa_params' 'random_bit'"):
            if "rsa_params.random_bit" in self.get_user_feeded():
                raise ValueError(f"random_bit and rsa_params.random_bit should not be set simultaneously")
            self.rsa_params.random_bit = self.random_bit

        self.check_boolean(self.sync_intersect_ids, f"{descr}intersect_ids")

        if self._warn_to_deprecate_param("encode_param", "", ""):
            if "raw_params" in self.get_user_feeded():
                raise ValueError(f"encode_param and raw_params should not be set simultaneously")
                self.callback_param.callbacks = ["PerformanceEvaluate"]

        if self._warn_to_deprecate_param("join_role", descr, "raw_params' 'join_role'"):
            if "raw_params.join_role" in self.get_user_feeded():
                raise ValueError(f"join_role and raw_params.join_role should not be set simultaneously")
            self.raw_params.join_role = self.join_role

        self.check_boolean(self.only_output_key, f"{descr}only_output_key")

        self.join_method = self.check_and_change_lower(self.join_method, [consts.INNER_JOIN, consts.LEFT_JOIN],
        self.check_boolean(self.new_sample_id, f"{descr}new_sample_id")
        self.sample_id_generator = self.check_and_change_lower(self.sample_id_generator,
                                                               [consts.GUEST, consts.HOST],

        if self.join_method==consts.LEFT_JOIN:
            if not self.sync_intersect_ids:
                raise ValueError(f"Cannot perform left join without sync intersect ids")

        self.check_boolean(self.run_cache, f"{descr} run_cache")

        if self._warn_to_deprecate_param("encode_params", descr, "raw_params") or \
            self._warn_to_deprecate_param("with_encode", descr, "raw_params' 'use_hash'"):
            # self.encode_params.check()
            if "with_encode" in self.get_user_feeded() and "raw_params.use_hash" in self.get_user_feeded():
                raise ValueError(f"'raw_params' and 'encode_params' should not be set simultaneously.")
            if "raw_params" in self.get_user_feeded() and "encode_params" in self.get_user_feeded():
                raise ValueError(f"'raw_params' and 'encode_params' should not be set simultaneously.")
            LOGGER.warning(f"Param values from 'encode_params' will override 'raw_params' settings.")
            self.raw_params.use_hash = self.with_encode
            self.raw_params.hash_method = self.encode_params.encode_method
            self.raw_params.salt = self.encode_params.salt
            self.raw_params.base64 = self.encode_params.base64

        # self.intersect_cache_param.check()
        self.check_boolean(self.cardinality_only, f"{descr}cardinality_only")
        self.check_boolean(self.sync_cardinality, f"{descr}sync_cardinality")
        self.check_boolean(self.run_preprocess, f"{descr}run_preprocess")
        if self.cardinality_only:
            if self.intersect_method not in [consts.RSA]:
                raise ValueError(f"cardinality-only mode only support rsa.")
            if self.intersect_method == consts.RSA and self.rsa_params.split_calculation:
                raise ValueError(f"cardinality-only mode only supports unified calculation.")
        if self.run_preprocess:
            if self.intersect_preprocess_params.false_positive_rate < 0.01:
                raise ValueError(f"for preprocessing ids, false_positive_rate must be no less than 0.01")
            if self.cardinality_only:
                raise ValueError(f"cardinality_only mode cannot run preprocessing.")
        if self.run_cache:
            if self.intersect_method not in [consts.RSA, consts.DH]:
                raise ValueError(f"Only rsa or dh method supports cache.")
            if self.intersect_method == consts.RSA and self.rsa_params.split_calculation:
                raise ValueError(f"RSA split_calculation does not support cache.")
            if self.cardinality_only:
                raise ValueError(f"cache is not available for cardinality_only mode.")
            if self.run_preprocess:
                raise ValueError(f"Preprocessing does not support cache.")

        deprecated_param_list = ["repeated_id_process", "repeated_id_owner", "intersect_cache_param",
                                 "allow_info_share", "info_owner", "with_sample_id"]
        for param in deprecated_param_list:
            self._warn_deprecated_param(param, descr)

        LOGGER.debug("Finish intersect parameter check!")
        return True
__init__(self, intersect_method='rsa', random_bit=128, sync_intersect_ids=True, join_role='guest', only_output_key=False, with_encode=False, encode_params=<federatedml.param.intersect_param.EncodeParam object at 0x7ff82754ca50>, raw_params=<federatedml.param.intersect_param.RAWParam object at 0x7ff82754cc10>, rsa_params=<federatedml.param.intersect_param.RSAParam object at 0x7ff82754cd10>, dh_params=<federatedml.param.intersect_param.DHParam object at 0x7ff82754ccd0>, join_method='inner_join', new_sample_id=False, sample_id_generator='guest', intersect_cache_param=<federatedml.param.intersect_param.IntersectCache object at 0x7ff82754cad0>, run_cache=False, cardinality_only=False, sync_cardinality=False, run_preprocess=False, intersect_preprocess_params=<federatedml.param.intersect_param.IntersectPreProcessParam object at 0x7ff8274db990>, repeated_id_process=False, repeated_id_owner='guest', with_sample_id=False, allow_info_share=False, info_owner='guest') special
Source code in federatedml/param/
def __init__(self, intersect_method: str = consts.RSA, random_bit=DEFAULT_RANDOM_BIT, sync_intersect_ids=True,
             join_role=consts.GUEST, only_output_key: bool=False,
             with_encode=False, encode_params=EncodeParam(),
             raw_params=RAWParam(), rsa_params=RSAParam(), dh_params=DHParam(),
             join_method=consts.INNER_JOIN, new_sample_id: bool = False, sample_id_generator=consts.GUEST,
             intersect_cache_param=IntersectCache(), run_cache: bool = False,
             cardinality_only: bool = False, sync_cardinality: bool = False,
             run_preprocess:bool = False,
             repeated_id_process=False, repeated_id_owner=consts.GUEST,
             with_sample_id=False,  allow_info_share: bool = False, info_owner=consts.GUEST):
    self.intersect_method = intersect_method
    self.random_bit = random_bit
    self.sync_intersect_ids = sync_intersect_ids
    self.join_role = join_role
    self.with_encode = with_encode
    self.encode_params = copy.deepcopy(encode_params)
    self.raw_params = copy.deepcopy(raw_params)
    self.rsa_params = copy.deepcopy(rsa_params)
    self.only_output_key = only_output_key
    self.sample_id_generator = sample_id_generator
    self.intersect_cache_param = copy.deepcopy(intersect_cache_param)
    self.run_cache = run_cache
    self.repeated_id_process = repeated_id_process
    self.repeated_id_owner = repeated_id_owner
    self.allow_info_share = allow_info_share
    self.info_owner = info_owner
    self.with_sample_id = with_sample_id
    self.join_method = join_method
    self.new_sample_id = new_sample_id
    self.dh_params = copy.deepcopy(dh_params)
    self.cardinality_only = cardinality_only
    self.sync_cardinality = sync_cardinality
    self.run_preprocess = run_preprocess
    self.intersect_preprocess_params = copy.deepcopy(intersect_preprocess_params)
Source code in federatedml/param/
def check(self):
    descr = "intersect param's "

    self.intersect_method = self.check_and_change_lower(self.intersect_method,
                                                        [consts.RSA, consts.RAW, consts.DH],

    if self._warn_to_deprecate_param("random_bit", descr, "rsa_params' 'random_bit'"):
        if "rsa_params.random_bit" in self.get_user_feeded():
            raise ValueError(f"random_bit and rsa_params.random_bit should not be set simultaneously")
        self.rsa_params.random_bit = self.random_bit

    self.check_boolean(self.sync_intersect_ids, f"{descr}intersect_ids")

    if self._warn_to_deprecate_param("encode_param", "", ""):
        if "raw_params" in self.get_user_feeded():
            raise ValueError(f"encode_param and raw_params should not be set simultaneously")
            self.callback_param.callbacks = ["PerformanceEvaluate"]

    if self._warn_to_deprecate_param("join_role", descr, "raw_params' 'join_role'"):
        if "raw_params.join_role" in self.get_user_feeded():
            raise ValueError(f"join_role and raw_params.join_role should not be set simultaneously")
        self.raw_params.join_role = self.join_role

    self.check_boolean(self.only_output_key, f"{descr}only_output_key")

    self.join_method = self.check_and_change_lower(self.join_method, [consts.INNER_JOIN, consts.LEFT_JOIN],
    self.check_boolean(self.new_sample_id, f"{descr}new_sample_id")
    self.sample_id_generator = self.check_and_change_lower(self.sample_id_generator,
                                                           [consts.GUEST, consts.HOST],

    if self.join_method==consts.LEFT_JOIN:
        if not self.sync_intersect_ids:
            raise ValueError(f"Cannot perform left join without sync intersect ids")

    self.check_boolean(self.run_cache, f"{descr} run_cache")

    if self._warn_to_deprecate_param("encode_params", descr, "raw_params") or \
        self._warn_to_deprecate_param("with_encode", descr, "raw_params' 'use_hash'"):
        # self.encode_params.check()
        if "with_encode" in self.get_user_feeded() and "raw_params.use_hash" in self.get_user_feeded():
            raise ValueError(f"'raw_params' and 'encode_params' should not be set simultaneously.")
        if "raw_params" in self.get_user_feeded() and "encode_params" in self.get_user_feeded():
            raise ValueError(f"'raw_params' and 'encode_params' should not be set simultaneously.")
        LOGGER.warning(f"Param values from 'encode_params' will override 'raw_params' settings.")
        self.raw_params.use_hash = self.with_encode
        self.raw_params.hash_method = self.encode_params.encode_method
        self.raw_params.salt = self.encode_params.salt
        self.raw_params.base64 = self.encode_params.base64

    # self.intersect_cache_param.check()
    self.check_boolean(self.cardinality_only, f"{descr}cardinality_only")
    self.check_boolean(self.sync_cardinality, f"{descr}sync_cardinality")
    self.check_boolean(self.run_preprocess, f"{descr}run_preprocess")
    if self.cardinality_only:
        if self.intersect_method not in [consts.RSA]:
            raise ValueError(f"cardinality-only mode only support rsa.")
        if self.intersect_method == consts.RSA and self.rsa_params.split_calculation:
            raise ValueError(f"cardinality-only mode only supports unified calculation.")
    if self.run_preprocess:
        if self.intersect_preprocess_params.false_positive_rate < 0.01:
            raise ValueError(f"for preprocessing ids, false_positive_rate must be no less than 0.01")
        if self.cardinality_only:
            raise ValueError(f"cardinality_only mode cannot run preprocessing.")
    if self.run_cache:
        if self.intersect_method not in [consts.RSA, consts.DH]:
            raise ValueError(f"Only rsa or dh method supports cache.")
        if self.intersect_method == consts.RSA and self.rsa_params.split_calculation:
            raise ValueError(f"RSA split_calculation does not support cache.")
        if self.cardinality_only:
            raise ValueError(f"cache is not available for cardinality_only mode.")
        if self.run_preprocess:
            raise ValueError(f"Preprocessing does not support cache.")

    deprecated_param_list = ["repeated_id_process", "repeated_id_owner", "intersect_cache_param",
                             "allow_info_share", "info_owner", "with_sample_id"]
    for param in deprecated_param_list:
        self._warn_deprecated_param(param, descr)

    LOGGER.debug("Finish intersect parameter check!")
    return True


RSA, RAW, and DH intersection methods support:

  1. Multi-host PSI task. The detailed configuration for multi-host task can be found here.
  2. Automatically match ID intersection using ID expanding (when data contains instance id).
  3. Configurable hashing methods, including sha256, md5, and sm3; hash operators of RSA intersection can be configured separately, please refer here for more details.
  4. Preprocessing step to pre-filter Host's data for faster PSI

RSA and DH intersection methods also support:

  1. PSI with cache

RAW intersection supports the following extra feature:

  1. base64 encoding may be used for all hashing methods.

RSA intersection is used for intersection cardinality estimation.

Last update: 2021-12-06
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