FATE Stand-alone Deployment Guide

Server Configuration;

| Quantity | 1 | | ———————- | —————————————————– | | Configuration | 8 core / 16G memory / 500G hard disk | | Operating System | Version: CentOS Linux release 7 | | Users | User: app owner:apps |

The stand-alone version provides 2 deployment methods, which can be selected according to your actual situation:

  • Install FATE using Docker (Recommended)

  • Install FATE in Host

You can also refer to Chinese guide

2) Install FATE in Host

  1. Check whether the local 8080,9360,9380 port is occupied.

    netstat -apln|grep 8080
    netstat -apln|grep 9360
    netstat -apln|grep 9380
  2. Download the compressed package of stand-alone version and decompress it.

    wget https://webank-ai-1251170195.cos.ap-guangzhou.myqcloud.com/standalone-fate-master-1.5.0.tar.gz
    tar -xzvf  standalone-fate-master-1.5.0.tar.gz
  3. Enter FATE directory and execute the init.sh.

    cd standalone-fate-master-1.5.0
    sh init.sh init
  4. Test

    • Unit Test

    cd standalone-fate-master-1.5.0
    source bin/init_env.sh
    bash ./python/federatedml/test/run_test.sh

    If success, the screen shows like blow:

    there are 0 failed test
    • Toy_example Test

    cd standalone-fate-master-1.5.0
    source bin/init_env.sh
    python ./examples/toy_example/run_toy_example.py 10000 10000 0

    If success, the screen shows like blow:

    success to calculate secure_sum, it is 2000.0

There are a few algorithms under examples folder, try them out!

You can also experience the fateboard access via a browser: Http://hostip:8080.